オーガナイザー、プロデューサーとしての実績も豊富で、高橋悠治作品演奏会I「歌垣」(2018)、同II「般若波羅蜜多」(2019)、松平賴暁のオペラ《The Provocators~挑発者たち》(2018)、フェニーチェ堺のオープニングシリーズ「武満徹ミニフェスティヴァル」(2019)などの企画に携わり、いずれも指揮も担当した。2024年10月上演の神奈川県民ホール開館50周年記念オペラシリーズVol.2 オペラ《ローエングリン》(シャリーノ)日本語上演においては制作段階から関わり、指揮者としても出演、緻密な作品解釈にもとづき演奏を導いた結果、各方面から絶賛された。
指揮者として、2018年芸術選奨文部科学省大臣新人賞、2023年には同大臣賞受賞。作曲家として、第13回佐治敬三賞第2回一柳慧コンテンポラリー賞受賞。2010年サンマリノ共和国サンタアガタ騎士勲章受勲。また、ドナトーニ最晩年に杉山が補筆完成したオーケストラ作品「Prom」「Esa」を含むCD「ドナトーニ: 管弦楽作品集」(杉山洋一指揮、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団)が2015年度イタリアAmadeusディスク大賞受賞。
写真: 山之上雅信
華開世界/西村 朗 管弦楽作品集(杉山洋一指揮 NHK交響楽団)
オルフィカ – フォノジェーヌ/高橋悠治管弦楽曲集(杉山洋一指揮 読売日本交響楽団)
After settling in Milan, Sugiyama began working as both a composer and conductor. He has received many commissions from Japan and abroad, including the Milano Musica, the Venice Biennale and the Suntory Hall Summer Festival. As a conductor, Sugiyama has worked with many orchestras, ensembles and opera companies, including the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Tokyo Philharmonic, Orchestra RAI, Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Ensemble Modern and Klangforum Wien.
Yoichi Sugiyama was born in 1969 in Tokyo and began playing the violin at the age of three. At the age of 12, he began studying composition under Akira Miyoshi, graduating from Toho Gakuen School of Music with a degree in composition. While at Toho, he also began studying conducting under Morihiro Okabe. In 1995, Sugiyama received an Italian government scholarship for composition, studying with Franco Donatoni and Sandro Gorli. He also studied conducting with Emilio Pomarico during this time.
As a composer, he received the 13th Keizo Saji Prize and the 2nd Toshi Ichiyanagi Contemporary Prize. As a conductor, he was awarded in 2023 the Hideo Saito Memorial Fund Award as well as the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s ‘Art Encouragement Prize’, a prize he had previously been awarded in the New Artists category in 2018. He is also a recipient of the Order of the Knight of Sant’Agata from the Republic of San Marino.
Sugiyama is also dedicated to the education of younger musicians and currently teaches at the Claudio Abbado Conservatory in Milan.
Photo credit: Masanobu Yamanoue