伶楽舎 Reigakusha


雅楽の合奏研究を目的として、1985 年に芝祐靖が創設し、長らく音楽監督を務めた雅楽演奏団体。

また、武満徹『秋庭歌一具』の演奏に関しては定評があり 2001年5月、同曲を演奏したサントリーホールでの自主演奏会が評価され、2002 年2月中島健蔵音楽賞特別賞を受賞、同時に録音したCD『秋庭歌一具』(ソニークラシカル)は平成 14 年度芸術祭レコード部門優秀賞受賞。平成15年度芸術祭大賞を受賞した「薬師寺最勝会復興上演」の新作(猿谷紀郎作曲)初演を担当。「伶楽舎第十三回雅楽演奏会~武満徹 秋庭歌一具」は、サントリー芸術財団の第16回(2016年度)「佐治敬三賞」を受賞した。2020年第50回ENEOS音楽賞邦楽部門受賞。


音楽監督 宮田まゆみ

メンバー 荒川明英、石川 高、伊崎善之、岩亀裕子、北村茉莉子、國本淑恵、小林勝幸、五月女 愛、笹本武志、〆野護元、鈴木絵理、田口和美、武智和子、田島和枝、田中康真、谷内信一、田渕勝彦、角田眞美、東野珠実、中村かほる、中村華子、中村仁美、野田美香、平井裕子、福西賢雄、三浦礼美、宮田まゆみ、宮丸直子、村岡健一郎、本橋 文、八百谷 啓、八木千暁

Reigakusha was established in 1985 as a group of professional gagaku instrumentalists dedicated to the study and performance of the classical gagaku repertoire and the creation of new music for the ancient instruments. Led by the distinguished musician and composer Sukeyasu Shiba – a specialist in music for the ryuteki flute and biwa, a former member of the Music Department of the Imperial Household Agency, – Reigakusha includes about thirty members. Since its formation, Reigakusha has won a high reputation for its performances of the traditional gagaku repertoire, its revival of classic works that had disappeared from the repertoire over the past hundred years, its reproduction of facsimile instruments based on the ancient Chinese and Japanese gagaku instruments preserved in the Shoso-in (the eighth-century Imperial storehouse in Nara), and for its commissioning of new works utilizing the traditional instruments by leading Japanese composers. At present Reigakusha,s repertoire consists of more than sixty ancient gagaku works, thirty new works in the classic tradition, twenty revived works (based on scholarly research into music that had long disappeared from the traditional repertoire), and a lot of major new works by contemporary composers as Toru Takemitsu, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Maki Ishii and Toshiro Saruya.

During the past decade, Reigakusha has received the invitation from the major concert halls such as the National Theater of Japan, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Izumi Hall in Osaka, Kitara Hall in Sapporo, and also appeared at the major music festival such as the Kita-Kyushu International Music Festival, the Tsuyama International Music Festival and the Yatsugatake Music Festival. In October 1995 Reigakusha presented a special outdoor performance of Takemitsu,s In an Autumn Garden at Meiji Shrine in Tokyo.

In July 1996, Reigakusha was invited to Seattle, Tanglewood and the first Lincoln Center Festival in New York to present In an Autumn Garden by Toru Takemitsu. Also in October 1998, the Ensemble gave the UK premiere of In an Autumn Garden in Glasgow, Birmingham, Cambridge as well as at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London as a part of the Takemitsu Festival, “Spirit Garden”, artistically directed by Oliver Knussen. So far Reigakusha has held the concerts programmed the traditional pieces and contemporary pieces at Brussells, Cologne, Berlin, Oslo, Innsbruck, Amsterdam, Morocco, Volos and etc. Reigakusha was invited to the opening series of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angels (2004), the special concert “BEST OF BOULEZ”, celebrating the 80th Birthday of Pierre Boulez, presented by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (2005) , the Salle Pleyel in Paris and the MITO Festival in Italy (2009) , the Music From Japan Festival in USA (2010), the National Gugak Center in Seoul and Busan (2015), the Frankfurt Lab with ENSEMBLE MODERN (2015),  the British Museum (2018) , Japonism2018 in Paris(2018) and Japan Society in New York(2019).

Akihide Arakawa, Ko Ishikawa, Yoshiyuki Izaki, Yuko Iwakame, Mariko Kitamura, Yoshie Kunimoto, Katsuyuki Kobayashi, Ai Saotome, Takeshi Sasamoto, Moriyuki Shimeno, Eri Suzuki, Kazumi Taguchi, Kazuko Takechi, Kazue Tajima, Yasumasa Tanaka, Shinichi Taniuchi, Katsuhiko Tabuti, Mami Tsunoda, Tamami Tono, Kahoru Nakamura, Hanako Nakamura, Hitomi Nakamura, Mika Noda, Yuko Hirai, Kenyuu Fukunishi, Remi Miura, Mayumi Miyata, Naoko Miyamaru, Kenichiro Muraoka, Aya Motohashi, Satoru Yaotani, Chiaki Yagi


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