ヘームシュテッド現代音楽週間、Music from Japan、武生国際音楽祭、BBCウェールズ交響楽団、NHK交響楽団、
写真:Didier Loire
Hitomi Kaneko was born in Tokyo. While studying in the postgraduate school of Toho Gakuen College Music Department she gained a scholarship from the French government to further her studies in the Faculty of Composition at the Paris Conservatoire. She was awarded first prize in the Franco-Japanese Contemporary Composition Competition in 1988 and first prize in the orchestral composition section of the 59 th Japan Music Competition in 1990, together with the E. Nakamichi Prize, and the 9 th Muramatsu Prize. She studied composition with Akira Miyoshi and Gérard Grisey. Her works have been performed at the Darmstadt Festival of Contemporary Music, the Festival d’Automne de Paris, at contemporary music festivals in Avignon and Nice, the Bucharest Contemporary Music Week, the Heemstede Contemporary Music Week, Music from Japan and the Takefu International Music Festival, and by the BBC SymphonyNational Orchestra of Wales, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the New Japan Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and the Tokyo Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. She was a researcher at IRCAM in Paris in 1994 and has created works in the electronic music studio of NHK. She lived in France in 2011 and 2012 as an artist sponsored for overseas study by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and served as Guest Research at the Paris-Sorbonne University.
Several CDs featuring her work have been released, including Spectral Matters: Contemporary Japanese Composers, Series 27(Fontec).
Her work is published by Zen’on Music Publishers Co.
She is currently Professor at Toho Gakuen College of Music.
photo credit: Didier Loire
「スペクトラル・マターズ――現代日本の作曲家シリーズ27」(2004) (FOCD-2557)
1. 緑の光線
2. 連歌 II
3. 垂直の歌
4. 時の層-ヴァイオリン独奏のための
5. グリゼイの墓-室内オーケストラのための
1. ガブリエル ピアノ四重奏団
2. アンサンブル・ムジカ・ヴィヴァ・ハノーヴァ
3. 尺八:三橋貴風 コンピュータ:金子仁美
4. ヴァイオリン:松原勝也
5. 指揮:高関健 アール・レスピラン
1. 1993年11月15日 Radio France 106 studio
2. 1999年10月9日 Sendesaal Radio Bremen
3. 2003年3月3日 アコ・スタジオ
4. 2003年11月27日 津田ホール
5. 2000年7月12日 紀尾井ホール