尾池亜美 Ami Oike


ヴァイオリニスト 尾池 亜美 
Violinist Ami Oike 
2014年2月に初のソロ・CD「French Romanticism」をリリース。「豊かで多彩な音色と滑らかな技巧で多様な人間感情を投影(タワーレコード)」など好評を博し、「CD屋さんが選ぶ『クラシックCDアワード 2014』」に選出される。2016年にバッハとバルトークの無伴奏作品をウィーンの教会で録音したCD「A」をリリース。レコード芸術誌特選盤に選ばれる。2019年、Ensemble FOVEとの共作でアルバム「ZINGARO!!!」をリリース。またEnsemble FOVEのメンバーとして宇多田ヒカル、米津玄師の各氏の楽曲制作に参加。 

Born in 1988 Tokyo, Japanese violinist Ami OIKE has been giving numerous concerts worldwide, in Japan, Korea, China, Switzerland, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. She has just started her career as a teacher at Tokyo University of the Arts from April 2020. In 2019 Ami released “ZINGARO!!!” a CD album collaborated with Ensemble FOVE. She is a member of Kioi Hall Chamber Orchestra, Amity String Quartet, and Ensemble FOVE.
Ami concluded her studies at the RNCM where she obtained the International Artistic diploma studying under Yair Kless. Prior to this, she has been enrolled in Haute Ecole de Musique, having studied on the Master’s Course for solo performance under the tutelage of Pierre Amoyal. In the Tokyo University of the Arts she studied with Kazuki Sawa, Gerard Poulet, and Oleh Krysa. Competition success includes 2nd prize at Carl Flesch international violin competition in 2013, 1st prize as well as the Commission prize at the RNCM Manchester International Violin Competition in 2011, 1st prize and listener’s prize at the 78th Japan Annual Competition in 2009 and 1st prize at the Toshiya Eto violin competition in 2008.
Ami has released her 1st CD album called “French Romanticism” (Franck and Saint=Saens sonata) in 2014, second (Bach Solo Partita No.2, Bartok Solo sonata) in 2016.

“Listeners were transported into Ami Oike’s world from the very first note. Aided by impeccable technique, she presented the work with both solid pacing and grandness of scale. Her tone displayed sublime variety, characterized by a jade-like luster and generously romantic sentiment; meticulously crafted passages and sweetly sung melodies completed an interpretation of utter conviction. Above all, Ami Oike’s comprehensive understanding of the work was manifested in her dynamic playing, resulting a superlative performance with unmatched ensemble between orchestra and soloist. ”
— Critics by Ongakuno tomo Magazine 2009 from the performance of Bartok Violin Concerto No.2 at the 78thJapan Annual Music Competition 2009





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